Diploma Work
Subject: "Design and realization of computer controlled measurement systems for the evaluation of direct-current (DC) and high-frequency (HF) parameters of novel electronic devices", May 1999
Location of diploma thesis: Institute of Thin Film and Ion Technology (ISI), Research Center Jülich, Germany
Diploma work supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Kordoš, Dr. Michel Marso
Educational supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Donoval
Ph.D. Thesis, defended at TUM
Subject: "Automated system for combinatorial synthesis and high-throughput characterization of polymeric sensor materials"
Location: Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Messsystem- und Sensortechnik
Supervisor: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. A.W. Koch
Ph.D. Thesis, defended at STU
Subject: "Automated system for combinatorial synthesis
and high-throughput characterization
of polymeric sensor materials"
Location:Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky
Katedra mikroelektroniky
Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Donoval, Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. A.W. Koch
Open Thesis in PDF (3,2MB)
Open Autoreferat (200kB)
Open Ph.D. Certificate
List of Publications
[1] Valentin Kulikov, Vladimir M. Mirsky, Tanya Delaney, Daniel Donoval, Alexander W. Koch and Otto S. Wolfbeis, "High-throughput analysis of bulk and contact conductance of polymer layers prepared by combinatorial electropolymerization", Measurement Science and Technology 16, 2005
[2] Vladimir M.Mirsky, Valentin Kulikov, Qingli Hao, Otto S.Wolfbeis, "Multiparameter High Throughput Characterization of Combinatorial Chemical Microarrays of Chemosensitive Polymers", Molecular Rapid Communication 25, 2004
[3] Kulikov V. and Mirsky V.M., "Equipment for combinatorial electrochemical polymerization and high-throughput investigation of electrical proprieties of the synthesized polymers", Measurement Science and Technology, 1, 2004
[4] Hao Q., Kulikov V. and Mirsky V.M., "Investigation of contact and bulk resistance of conducting polymers by simultaneous two- and four-point technique", Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 94, 352-357, 2003
[5] Vladimir M. Mirsky*, Valentin Kulikov, Qingli Hao, Otto S. Wolfbeis, "Application of Combinatorial Electropolymerization to the Development of Chemical Sensors", MRS 2003 conference Proceedings
[6] Mirsky, V. M. and Kulikov, V., "Combinatorial electropolymerization: concept, equipment and applications", in book: High Throughput Analysis: A Tool for Combinatorial Materials Science, 2004, 431-446
[7] Scheying G., Schulte T., Brinz T., Kulikov V. and Mirsky V., "Procedure and device for the production and examination of group arrangements" 2001-10131581, 10-20020321, 2002
Other written works
[8] V. Kulikov, Diploma work: „Design and realization of computer controlled measurement systems for the evaluation of direct-current (DC) and high-frequency (HF) parameters of novel electronic devices (1999)
[9] V. Kulikov, Ph.D. pre-thesis: „Measurement and Analysis of Electrophysical Properties of Schottky Structures ”, (2001)
[10] V. Kulikov, Ph.D. thesis: „Equipment for combinatorial electropolymerization and high-throughput screening of electrical properties of the synthesized polymers”, (2004)
Conference participation
[11] APCOM 2000 - APPLIED PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER (September 17 ?19, Slovakia), “Direct Current Automated Test System”, ISBN 80-8040-160-8
[12] EUROCOMBI (July 1– 5, Budapest), “Combinatorial Electropolymerization” (Poster presentation)
[13] APCOM 2001 (September 17?19), “Automated Set-up for Formation and Investigation of Thin Polymer Films” (Oral presentation), ISBN 80-8040-160-8
[14] APCOM 2002 (Jun 19-21, Slovakia), “Combinatorial Electropolymerization” (Poster presentation), ISBN 80-8040-186-1
[15] ASDAM 2002 - Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems (October 14-16, Slovakia), „Set-up for Combinatorial Electrochemical Synthesis and High-throughput Investigation of Organic Semiconductor Polymers for Electronic Devices“ (Poster presentation)
[16] EUROSENSORS 2002 (September 15-18, Prague CZ), “Set-up for Combinatorial Electro-polymerization and Investigation of Polymer Properties”, (Poster presentation)
Technical journals (Hobby)
[T1] V. Kulikov, "Simple K-line OBD Interface", Practical electronics 4/2007, page 23 (in Slovak)
[T2]V. Kulikov, "Differential Thermostat", Practical electronics 9/2007, page 20 (in Slovak)
[T3] V. Kulikov, "Record DoorBell ", Practical electronics 1/2008, page 15 (in Slovak)
[T4] V. Kulikov, PWM regulator for 24V DC motor ", Practical electronics 2010 (in Slovak)
[T5] V. Kulikov, "Dangerous autocharger for Nokia mobile phones ", Practical electronics 2010 (in Slovak)
[S1] Failure Analysis for Yield Enhancement by David L Burgess, provided by Accelerated Analysis, Glasgow, Scotland, 3-7 September 2007
[S2] Cascade Microtech Workshop by Microtech, provided by Cascade, Glasgow, Scotland, 3-7 September 2007
[S3] Understanding Fly-back converters, provided by Ch. Basso, Design Center Roznov, Dec. 2007
[ON1] V. Kulikov, "Príprava priestorov pre nový fotoemisný mikroskop", Feb. 2007, ON Sem,iconductor Corporate Newspaper, The Circuit
[ON2] V. Kulikov, "New Failure Analysis Laboratory in ONPY", Nov. 2007, ON Sem,iconductor Corporate Newspaper, The Circuit
[ON3] V. Kulikov, "New built Fauilure Analyis Laboratory in ONPY", Nov. 2007, ON Semiconductor Piestany News paper
[ON4] V. Kulikov, "New power optical microscope for EFA Laboratory", July 2008, ON Semiconductor Piestany News paper
[ON5] V. Kulikov, "Intership 2008 Project proposals", Because of FAB closure not executed
[ON6] V. Kulikov, "Posledné analýzy v EFA laboratóriu", June 2009, ON Semiconductor Piestany News paper