Diploma Work

EP ArraySubject: "Design and realization of computer controlled measurement systems for the evaluation of direct-current (DC) and high-frequency (HF) parameters of novel electronic devices"

Location of diploma thesis: Institute of Thin Film and Ion Technology (ISI), Research Center Jülich, Germany

Diploma work supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Kordoš, Dr. Michel Marso

Educational supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Donoval

Abstract: The aim of this work was the design and realization of the measurement systems assigned to obtain the semiconductor devices characteristics, particularly the HEMTs, MSM photodetectors and OPTO-HEMTs prepared in ISI-FZ-Juelich.
The aim of this work was the design and realization of the measurement systems assigned to obtain the semiconductor devices characteristics, particularly the HEMTs, MSM photodetectors and OPTO-HEMTs prepared in ISI-FZ-Juelich.
   The developed systems and programs provide the measurement of the device characteristics and calculate some selected device parameters. Each measurement system was controlled by the measurement of the specific device. This work also describes some problems and their solutions, which occur during the measurements. The measurement programs were realized under HP VEE and provide the user friendly, interactive graphical environment which enhances the speed and statistical value of the obtained results.

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Note: This work was officially rated as the best elaborated diploma work (FEI STU 1999)